Tuesday, October 30, 2018

My Dream Job

Within my dream job, I would like it to be in a laboratory (I really like to be in them), but I would also like to go out into the field, it would not be funny to be locked up all the time. I would also like to know other countries and go to conferences where knowledge is bilateral for everyone and gradually get to know typical places like the Colosseum in Rome, the Eiffel Tower, among other places.

Regarding salary, Of course I would like to earn a lot of money. Who would not like it? I am a person who likes to spend money on things that sometimes do not even need, being sincere is like a therapy,  I'm happier when I go shopping than when I do not have money.

I am currently studying food engineering, but I still do not choose what I want to dedicate myself to because every time I think about the work that I will do when I graduate from my career, I enter into discussion with myself. The truth I still do not know what specialty I want to take, but within any decision I make, I care more about being happy and being calm with what I am doing in the future.

food engineers

food engineer


  1. I think the travel for work are very cool and are a good opportunity for know different places

  2. I love it, for me it's also a therapy to buy things that I don't need and then I have to throw away because I don't used them

  3. Deciding what work we will have in the future will always be a very difficult decision :/
