Tuesday, November 20, 2018

In my opinion...

  • What is your opinion about violence on television?

I think that by showing violence on television at times not suitable for adults, is to incite violence in people. For example, imagine a nine-year-old boy watching a program on TV and showing scenes of violence, this child may associate violence with normality or associate that he must be violent. Now if they show violence at adult hours, I think it's okay, because adults must be mature enough to create an opinion if what they observe is right or wrong.

  • What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?

This is a subject that I like to discuss, because I feel that buying animals is a profit with life. The truth is that I really hate to buy animals, because of all the animals that are in the house the vast majority end up on the street for different reasons, either because they escape, because the family must move, because there is no space, because they can’t have it, etc. However, I believe that no reason is valid, because if you take care of a pet it is because you can have it and that is why I make that decision. What do I want to get with this? Good so you're going to buy a pet, If you can give all the love and affection to one who was left on the street and perhaps what conditions had to live for the abandonment of his old home.
  • What is your opinion about climate change?

I have always had the notion that climate change that is generated today is only the responsibility of humanity.  In other words, look at us! Today we no longer know what spring or fall is, the days are summer or winter. We just have to be aware and try to fix our error as human beings.

  • What is your opinion about recycling?

Recycling is a good way to reduce environmental pollution, I don’t know if you do it, but in my house recycled practically since I was born, since my parents have always taught me that. However, nowadays another problem with recycling is being generated and it is that companies that recycle sometimes receive some materials as sometimes they don’t. For example, in many places they no longer receive milk packaging in boxes because there are so many (that's the reason given in the green dot, when I asked), however in other green points, if they receive them.


  1. I think the same thing as you about the adoption of pets, if one person decides to adopt a pet, there are no excuses for leaving it abandoned.


  2. Violence on television is very bad especially because it is within the reach of small children
